General rule of thumb is you need private health insurance for any procedure in private hospital. Dr. Ganu works at Flinders Private and Stirling Private Hospital.
So for Gynaecology problems, we will see uninsured patients provided they are prepared to pay their accounts in full. For uninsured patients, if surgery is required for their symptoms they may be referred onto the public system. A quote can be provided if they wish to proceed with surgery at Flinders Private Hospital as an uninsured self-funded patient.
Obstetrics – No. Unfortunately we do not see uninsured obstetric patients as pregnancy is rarely predictable and there may be too many additional costs involved for patients wanting to self-fund their care and hospital stay. Dr. Ganu does not deliver in the public system therefore we advise that you see your GP for a referral to your closest public hospital with an obstetric service if you are uninsured.
Follow up consultations are normally 15mins in length and it is helpful when booking a follow up consultation if you can indicate if you may require a longer appointment. We are happy to book 30mins appointments if required as this will help to ensure we are running on time for the next patient.
We are available every hour of the day. For possible labour, we suggest you to contact Flinders Private Hospital Maternity ward on 82753482 for urgent assessment. Midwife will contact Dr. Ganu.
For other emergencies, you can attend Flinders Medical emergency department for emergency management and inform treating team there that you are a private patient of Dr. Ganu, who then can assess and transfer you to private hospital if suitable.
This is a common problem for a lot of patients with gynaecological patients, you will not be the first. If you do not require an examination and it is a follow up appointment we are happy to see you if you have your period. If you require a physical examination or procedure it is preferable not to be bleeding at the time of the consultation as it can make the examination more difficult to perform. If you get your period on the morning of or day before your appointment, please call to speak with our nurse who will guide you on whether or not to come along that day as pre-arranged.
Yes! You are welcome to bring along the support you need during any of your appointments. They can be present at the consultation and / or the examination if you would prefer. This can be done discretely and with minimal exposure so you feel more supported.
Yes. An interpreter service is available for patients with limited English but this will need to be arranged prior to the appointment and all costs for this service are incurred by the patient.
No news is good news!
If we perform a Cervical Screening Test and the results are negative we will send you a letter to confirm this and add you to our reminder system. If any results require attention, urgent or otherwise our nurse or Dr. Ganu will contact you by phone with the result and decide on a course of treatment as required. Do not panic if you miss a call. Sometimes results show minor changes or abnormalities and the nurse may contact you if a treatment plan or action is required or needs to be altered.
Yes. All test results are automatically sent to your GP however we do prefer that you contact us for results for any tests that we request as this maintains continuity of your care with us.
Yes. If you have any concerns following consultation and as one of our patients we are happy for your to call and talk to our nurse. If there is something she can directly advise you on, she will but she will also speak with Dr. Ganu to ensure she know the context and outcome of the conversation with you. If our nurse feels that the issue is something that Dr. Ganu needs to address, she will take down the information, speak with Dr. Ganu and either one of them will return your call as soon as possible for your peace of mind.
Flinders Private Hospital offers education programs to assist you during the pregnancy, birth and aftercare of your baby. All sessions are held at Flinders Private Hospital.
We offer a comprehensive antenatal education service consisting of a variety of classes to meet your antenatal and postnatal needs. These classes are provided for families who have chosen and booked to have their baby at Flinders Private Hospital.
Please click here to view the latest timetable.
For Mothers:
For Baby:
At Flinders Private Hospital you commonly stay for 4 nights after a vaginal delivery and 5 nights after a caesarean section.
We encourage you to stay in hospital until Dr. Ganu is happy it is safe for you and your baby to return home. This may occasionally necessitate staying longer in hospital than planned, but ensures both you and your baby’s safety – and most importantly supports your transition to parenthood!
Yes! If you prefer a one-on-one consultation with an obstetric anaesthetist to discuss your pain-relief options during labour, to learn more about labour epidurals or if you have concern about how existing medical problems may affect an epidural, we can refer you for a consultation with one of Specialist group of anaesthetists.
Specialist Anaesthetic Services was established in 1978. Since the inception of the practice, Specialist Anaesthetic Services has undertaken many changes and has grown to become one of Adelaide’s leading Anaesthetic groups, always keeping up with latest technology and medical training.
The practice currently includes 25 Specialist Anaesthetists, providing services to both Public and Private Hospitals throughout Adelaide and some areas of regional South Australia. Specialist Anaesthetic Services provide expertise in all areas of Anaesthesia including general and specialty areas.
You may also be referred to meet your anaesthetist and discuss your anaesthetic plan if you are having a planned caesarean section, having major gynaecological surgery or have experienced anaesthetic problems before. We know it is not uncommon to be apprehensive about your anaesthetic or labour epidural. Meeting one of our friendly anaesthetists almost always quickly allays any fears!